- Things to remember when filling the registration form
- Include the CORRECT details
- Type your name correct as it is mentioned in the Birth Certificate
- Type your own valid email ID
- Provide a contact number which is accessible all the time, preferred Mobile number
- Things to remember when registration
- Have your own email ID and make sure you have access to it
- Remember you email ID password, do not lose it
- If it’s a group submission one individual should use his/her own email ID. Same Email ID used by the group members aren’t allowed
- Thoroughly READ the process and procedures before starting the project
- Thoroughly READ the project upload guidelines before uploading the project
- BE ALERT of the emails received events scheduled
- BE ALERT with competition related deadlines
- Visit ycs.lk and check in Announcement
- Follow our Facebook /LinkedIn/ Instagram Pages for updates of the competition and schedule dates
- GET IN TOUCH via ycs@fitis.lk
- GET IN TOUCH with the helpline (011 5 924030) for any clarifications during office working hours (09.00 a.m. – 05.30 p.m.)