Important Notes

  1. Things to remember when filling the registration form
    • Include the CORRECT details
    • Type your name correct as it is mentioned in the Birth Certificate
    • Type your own valid email ID
    • Provide a contact number which is accessible all the time, preferred Mobile number
  1. Things to remember when registration
    • Have your own email ID and make sure you have access to it
    • Remember you email ID password, do not lose it
    • If it’s a group submission one individual should use his/her own email ID. Same Email ID used by the group members aren’t allowed
  2. Thoroughly READ the process and procedures before starting the project
  3. Thoroughly READ the project upload guidelines before uploading the project
  4. BE ALERT of the emails received events scheduled
  5. BE ALERT with competition related deadlines
    • Visit and check in Announcement
  6. Follow our Facebook /LinkedIn/ Instagram Pages for updates of the competition and schedule dates
  7. GET IN TOUCH via
  8. GET IN TOUCH with the helpline (011 5 924030) for any clarifications during office working hours (09.00 a.m. – 05.30 p.m.)